Senin, 06 Juli 2009

abis nonton film parental guide rated

i watch some violent movie few days ago, there was some scene that was about some kids with gun start to shoot some older man. yeah some "parental guide rated movie".  they said it was based on true story in south america on the movie intro. believe or not it's happen somewhere out there. start from there i starting got a dream like what i draw up there... 

abis nonton pelm brutal, tentang anak-anak yang bawa-bawa senjata nembakin orang-orang. wew, jadi mrinding bayanginnya. by the way, setelah mempertimbangkan matang-matang akhirnya saya memutuskan untuk membeli sebuah wacom (something that i want for a long time) sekarang lagi bingung mau pesen moga-moga aja sesuai harapan:D

software using : Adobe Photoshop CS2

time needed : 3 hours