Kamis, 29 Oktober 2009

comic fair

the toys

the concert series
pen and stabillo on paper 36 x 21"

yay finally i've got an invitation do do some exhibition...
got to do some manual works, but it was fun. i was made some toys figure with copycat and my friend yogi. but the draw was mine, still got to do something here and there to fix it and make it better, but it was done good enough for me now :lol:

Sabtu, 24 Oktober 2009

kucing ayam

aku lupa cara berproses sedikit lupalah ah aku mulai pingin mencopa hal2 yang pernah aku coba ah inini ternyata aku dulu pernah berexperiment dengan gambar macam ini
jadi pengen buat yang macem ini lagi oh iya kebetulan IHMB ma COPYCAT lagi ikut pameran nimbrung lah istilahnya ma teman2 komunitas comik di TBJT
ntar kita upload lah kegiatannya
sok ngeksis

Minggu, 04 Oktober 2009

4 a.m, starving and lot to do 2morrow

no new work post for now, just some concept on my mind. i've to finish some unfinish draw of mine, or not...;p
i'm helping my friend doing some coloring for his character. it's very nice to have a reason to work with color again. i hope i'll get some experience by helping my friend do coloring for his char, i'll ask him if i can post it here once it's done...
and 'bout my next animation, i've just fix on char, it's a girl with a rain coat. still can't decide what story i'll create for my next 3-7minutes animation...

i post my old draw, i think it's feel bad if i post without a pic:lol