Senin, 15 November 2010

komodo dragon

line draw by me.. add some freak classic style of royal family or something... add some komodo dragon too to add some more freak:p
created in : Adobe Illustrator
style : B&W line-draw, from rough sketch
app time : 2 hours 

coloring by copycat kind like glowing or something, i guess he didn't use my tablet pen LOL..
but i kinda like the shading, it's make the perpective bit balance :p
created in : Adobe photoshop(i guess LOL)
style : contemporer:p
app time : N/A

foxy lady

the idea was just draw some royal hunter's wife or something.. but i kind make the lady blind to add some unique to the  character. created with an inspirational owl pict from papay
add the tiger to cover the botttom of the dress(kind hard to create the bottom line:p)

created in : Adobe Illustrator
style : B&W line-draw
app time : 3 hours (the composition took me long time to arrange)

Selasa, 12 Oktober 2010

some men are bigger boys with more expensive toys

title : some men are bigger boys with more expensive toys

once a boy, then grow up, but some men can't just left behind his toys and games, some toys might ever get more expensive then before. sometimes men are just a boy deep inside LOL

Senin, 27 September 2010

vintage girls attack!!!

geuss who're they? i listen to some vintage style music sang by these ladies this lately..
add some color to add some vintage on my draw, i hope it didn't make a mistake by choosing these color... hope you like it, enjoy....

Jumat, 10 September 2010

route 66

my favourite scene of nat king cole - route 66 video clip on line draw
hope you like it...

revival jam

never give up everytime you fall. that's life,because sometimes life's a bitch...
next post'll be my fave scene of route 66 video clip by nat king cole(still on progress)

Rabu, 18 Agustus 2010

baru2 aja

dari pada sibuk mikir negara ni bro waktu ikut mural di sma3 gak ngeh juara pa nggak, yang penting ikut,
temanya sih SPORTIFITAS DALAM KREATIFITAS, nah ni mural judulnya "Ctrl + C, Ctrl + V"
tadinya gak ada ide mau buat apa, sebenernya udah ada gambaran tapi sampai di lokasi jadi ilang angen2 karya itu, lagian kita mikir tu lomba masih besok minggu eh di liat2 jadwalnya hari sabtu kita udah telat 2 jam, sampai sana temen juga pada belum datang ya udah langsung aja aku mulai padahal gak tau bener apa salah.....
ide apapun yang muncul langsung aku tuangin aja ke tembok biar temen-temen juga semangat ngerjainnya...
padahal sebenarnya capek belum sarapan, semaleman gak tidur bikin properti dari sterofoam.....
hah aku kira bakalan gak selesai tapi ternyata selesai juga sebelum waktu yang ditentukan..
temen2 sempet iseng masang kabel ke kepala ma bikin colokan buat tu kabel wahaha.. emang kepala pada sakit....

ni orang sakit yang pada ikut lomba dari muka aja dah keliatan kan, ancur wahahaha....
tapi kalo diliat ini gambar multi ras loh, tu dari kiri> orang kulit hitam, ditengah mata sipit, yang paling kanan orang gila......
:D :D............ dikit dulu deh besok nambain lagi....