Kamis, 29 Oktober 2009
comic fair
the concert series
pen and stabillo on paper 36 x 21"
yay finally i've got an invitation do do some exhibition...
got to do some manual works, but it was fun. i was made some toys figure with copycat and my friend yogi. but the draw was mine, still got to do something here and there to fix it and make it better, but it was done good enough for me now :lol:
Sabtu, 24 Oktober 2009
kucing ayam
aku lupa cara berproses sedikit lupalah ah aku mulai pingin mencopa hal2 yang pernah aku coba ah inini ternyata aku dulu pernah berexperiment dengan gambar macam ini
jadi pengen buat yang macem ini lagi oh iya kebetulan IHMB ma COPYCAT lagi ikut pameran nimbrung lah istilahnya ma teman2 komunitas comik di TBJT
ntar kita upload lah kegiatannya
sok ngeksis
Minggu, 04 Oktober 2009
4 a.m, starving and lot to do 2morrow
i'm helping my friend doing some coloring for his character. it's very nice to have a reason to work with color again. i hope i'll get some experience by helping my friend do coloring for his char, i'll ask him if i can post it here once it's done...
and 'bout my next animation, i've just fix on char, it's a girl with a rain coat. still can't decide what story i'll create for my next 3-7minutes animation...
i post my old draw, i think it's feel bad if i post without a pic:lol
Sabtu, 26 September 2009
final project on uni(UNS)
hey there...
here's my final project on uni(UNS surakarta, indonesia)..
download it and please leave a comment, i'd like to discuss it with anyone...
sorry i can't reach the net again this lately, i must 'lil bit concentrate on my study on my new uni on ISI Surakarta, Indonesia... i'll post my work as soon as i got one and finish it:lol
ummm, i'd like to say thanks again for visiting us, the other guy on this blog(copycat) have some nice work such as sketch draw such pen on paper, oil on paper, water on paper, some sculpture, shoes painting, body painting, mehendi, etc(some manual art works). while me concern on digital work, digital illustration, animation(2D and 3D), etc(some digital art works). so when u think u need it, it'd be nice if u call us. or if u need some space to discuss,we'd like to do it:lol
Senin, 07 September 2009
lama ni
doeh kelamaan nih aku bwat karyanya belum tak pindah kekomputer lagi, bingung mau ngapa ini?? eh iya kan ada gambar yang lama waktu aku belajar korel eh corel.
waktu itu aku pake komputer bikin gambar ini lama banget. tapi ternyata jadi juga meskipun si komputer error dulu hehe... yah pencapain memang perlu kesabaran walaupun sulit atau hasil yang di inginkan tidak maksimal... tapi buatku proses adalah pencapain yang indah saat kita bisa menikmati proses itu.
bagus tidaknya sesuatu biar yang liat yang berkomentar, kalo di bilang jelek terima kasih besok kan bisa bwat yang lebih baik, kalo ada yang terlalu tinggi memuji wah harus berhati-hati, bila kita jadi terlalu percaya diri lalu puas dengan apa yang ada bisa bwat kita buta dan lumpuh hingga malas bwat berkarya lagi......
and selanjutnya silahkan di komentari ya kawan2???
Kamis, 27 Agustus 2009
just a quick post
hey there, sorry i have to do some stuff this lately...
thanks to copycat for his new work post, sorry i can't post my work for a while but i'll try to finish my work as soon as possible and post it here...
follow the progress of my works on my twitter
Selasa, 11 Agustus 2009
hello 2
Senin, 06 Juli 2009
abis nonton film parental guide rated
i watch some violent movie few days ago, there was some scene that was about some kids with gun start to shoot some older man. yeah some "parental guide rated movie". they said it was based on true story in south america on the movie intro. believe or not it's happen somewhere out there. start from there i starting got a dream like what i draw up there...
abis nonton pelm brutal, tentang anak-anak yang bawa-bawa senjata nembakin orang-orang. wew, jadi mrinding bayanginnya. by the way, setelah mempertimbangkan matang-matang akhirnya saya memutuskan untuk membeli sebuah wacom (something that i want for a long time) sekarang lagi bingung mau pesen moga-moga aja sesuai harapan:D
software using : Adobe Photoshop CS2
time needed : 3 hours
Minggu, 28 Juni 2009
new update on valkyrie project
hell yeah, new update release...
every kingdom ,every dinasty, and every rage has it own leader. on this fairy side we got this lovely queen.... fairy got to be beautifull...
yap, akhirnya terjadi perkembangan pada proyek valkyrie...
seperti yang kita semua tahu, setiap kerajaan, setiap dinasti,setiap peradaban memiliki sosok pemimpin. untuk pemimpin kaum fairy saya menampilkan sosok ratu, karena menurut pengalaman saya sosok perempuan mewakili sebuah keindahan, selain itu sosok perempuan bisa dikatakan "menjual":D
software using : Adobe Illustrator
time needed : one night(got to be solid with the consept)
Jumat, 26 Juni 2009
unfinished valkyrie
here we go again...
yeah, still unfinish yet but here you are. her sad face watch for the battle below, but it was her job to take a brave soul to valhalla.....
this unfinished stuff remind me to some unfinish work i've done before...
hai, saya kembali lagi...
seperti yang saya bilang sebelumnya karya berikutnya berhubungan dengan valkyrie. karya ini bisa dikatakan masih belum selesai dikerjakan.
karya ini mengingatkan saya pada karya saya sebelumnya yang juga bertema unfinish..
time needed : valkyrie(3 days,yeah i've to work on my final test for my uni), unfinish (3 hours)
software using : valkyrie(adobe illustrator), unfinish(adobe photoshop)
Minggu, 14 Juni 2009
basketball poster
an old poster i create for a basketball event on my hometown 6 mounth ago, but the event can held due some reasons. i think this kind of basketball event was rare on my hometown i feel sorry for it...
sebuah poster lama yang aku buat buat acara kompetisi basket 6 bulan lalu. sayangnya, acaranya batal karena beberapa alasan. sayang benget, padahal acara kayak gini jarang di sana....
software using: Adobe Illustrator
time needed: a week(have to be a pro for this kind of project:D)
Sabtu, 13 Juni 2009
emmm, where did must i start from? ,,,here you go, few day ago i opened my old disk drive and found some "old things" this work i made when i think i have to start to do something 'bout my life(it was che Guevara there)... this work gave me some momentum to remember my past year and make me realize that i'm grow older so fast...
gimana yah mulainya.... gini2, beberapa hari yang lalu iseng2 buka2 hard disk lama trus nemu beberapa karya lama(ada gambarnya om Guevara waktu ntu nge-fans ma doi)... tiba-tiba jadi kayak nostalgia gitu... yah umur,,, jadi merasa semakin tua....
software using: Corel Draw
time needed: 1 hours(masih amatir waktu itu, sekarang juga masih amatir ding:D)
Kamis, 11 Juni 2009
A bike
an unique angle of an ordinary life. i dedicated this work to all of my friend, it was great time when we're together...
why bike? because bike is cool... because it's simple... just like a friendship
sebuah sudut pandang mengenai kehidupan. karya ini dipersembahkan untuk semua teman2ku.
kenapa speda? karena rodanya ada 4 kupegang erat2
karena speda itu keren bung, sederhana, seperti sebuah persahabatan...
a city scape
tribute for Solo...
spot location in front of UNS
persembahan untuk kota solo
lokasi di jalanan depan kampus UNS(universitas Sebelas Maret)
software using: Adobe Illustrator
time needed: 1,5 hours
bad day lonely night (akhirnya karya berwarna)
finally, a color work...
once upon a time i woke up in the morning, it was raining out there the air kind feels like lazy and cold, when you woke up in the morning like that u'll feel bad mood and that's will make a bad day, and in the and a lonely night...
akhirnya sebuah karya berwarna setelah sekian lama vakum dari dunia berwarna(black and white is rock)
suatu hari aku bangun pagi(crita dong, bangga bisa bangun pagi), eh tiba2 ujan, suasananya bikin males abis. baru bangun aja kya gitu, bikin bad mood...
create on: Microsoft Paint
Time needed: 12minutes(i'm on fire 'cause i'm on bad mood back there)
love or lust
Minggu, 07 Juni 2009
the pretender (what a beautifull lie)
pretend to die or lie
this art work was my old art back there.. this work was made when i want to make some sort kind of detail art...
check the eye of the lady, i work there for some time...
sebuah kepura-puraan... tetap tersenyum meski menderita dan hampir sekarat... sebuah potret "pendewasaan" menangis sambil tertawa.
software using: Adobe Illustrator
time needed:4 hours
semoga TA-ku cepat selesai dan bisa cepat lulus
Selasa, 02 Juni 2009
Work in progress
an animated video clip for my Uni final project. this clip was using a song "Yeah Love Song" from carmen (yeah it was an old song, but the perfect one for my animation consept). i hope it'll done on time..
sebuah video klip animasi yang rencananya mau dibikin buat Tugas Akhir. video klip ini dibuat menggunakan lagunya Carmen "Yeah Love Song" (rada jadul emang, tapi yang pas ama konsepnya kebetulan lagu ini). moga2 ja bisa kelar on time
sebuah persepsi tentang tarian
start from my perseption about a dance as an art. i use to see a dance always tighten up by a rule and tradition. even sometimes i see there was some new dance was grow up but i'm afraid that it'll make same mistake. i hope not, 'cause what i know art is freedom...
berangkat dari persepsi saya tentang tarian sebagai sebuah kesenian. yang saya lihat saat ini sering sekali saya melihat sebuah tarian terlalu terikat dalam fragmen dan aturan yang sudah ada dan berlaku. meskipun terdapat pula banyak tarian yang bebas dari keterikatan namun masih dalam perkembangan. mereka masih sebuah embrio. mungkin sebuah kedewasaan dalam kesenian terukur dari aturan yang melilitnya....semoga saja tidak begitu, karena setahu saya seni itu meluapkan dan membebaskan ekspresi...
software using: Adobe Illustrator
time needed: 3,5 hours
illustrasi terlamaaaaaaaaaaaa
Jumat, 29 Mei 2009
best draw so far...
in fact people always looking for a peace in the end. people reach it use so many different ways, but there'll always be the same destination in the end "peace"(but Hitler). that's why i name this work "life", my best draw so far...
pada kenyataannya semua orang mencari kedamaian, meskipun melalui jalan yang berbeda-beda tetapi hanya satu tujuan akhir "kedamaian".
software using: Adobe Illustrator
time needed: 4,5 hours
line draw
people use to tell me "you're an artist,I really like your line drawings"
then i said to them"i'm not an artist, i'm just someone who like to draw and share it to the world"
this picture was taken few mounth ago when me and my classmate go to beach, i'm just wanna recapturing that moment..
gambar ini dibuat beberapa bulan lalu waktu maen ke pantai sama temen-temen kampus...
software using: adobe illustrator.
time needed: 2,5 hours (lumayan buat alibi gak mandi)